On March 16, 2023 the Wellesley Centers for Women and the Metrowest Women’s Fund hosted “Social Media and Mental Health: Research-Based Approaches to Support Adolescent Girls’ Wellbeing,” a virtual social change dialogue. The panel discussion featured five dynamic panelists in a thought-provoking and informative discussion about mental health, social media, and adolescent development, and how we can work together to make a difference in the lives of middle school girls.

Panelists included Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., WCW senior research scientist and director of the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab; Catherine Delcourt, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science at Wellesley College; J. Maya Hernandez, M.A., a Ph.D. candidate in social ecology at University of California, Irvine; Rebecca Parkhill, M.Div., co-founder of the Metrowest Women's Fund; and Rachel Sagan, J.D., co-founder of the Metrowest Women's Fund. The discussion was moderated by Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., executive director of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

During the program, panelists discussed middle school girls' mental health and social media use. Panelists delved into the latest findings from a comprehensive needs assessment conducted by the Metrowest Women’s Fund, discussed the mental health challenges that middle school girls face in the digital world, and highlighted ways to support their wellbeing. 

Researchers from the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab at the Wellesley Centers for Women presented two innovative approaches aimed at improving girls' mental health and wellbeing in the digital age. Watch the recording of this program to discover how digital wellbeing and STEM workshops can empower girls to navigate social media with confidence and build resilience, and to learn how the Youth Advisory Board provides valuable input on how to apply research studies in meaningful ways to improve mental wellbeing on social media.

March 16, 2023



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