
One of our unifying beliefs at the Wellesley Centers for Women is that research is not meant to sit on the shelf. Rather, it should be shared widely and used to shape a better world. Our research scientists investigate critical social issues that impact the lives of women and girls, families and communities, and we approach these issues from feminist, womanist, and intersectional perspectives.

We transform our research into action by sharing what we know with decision makers of all kinds so they can make informed investments in the best policies, programs, and practices. In doing this work, we leverage the power of data to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing.

Our research is investigator driven. That means research scientists at WCW are free to study whatever they are most passionate about. This approach gives our researchers the space to explore emerging areas, develop novel approaches to reach populations who are underrepresented in existing research, and build collaborative networks to advance their work. Our research falls under the following key areas: Education, Economic Security, Mental Health, Youth and Adolescent Development, and Gender-Based Violence.

In addition to our research, WCW is home to innovative action programs that advance equity in educational spaces. Our research and action activities are funded by federal, state, and local government grants; awards from private foundations; contracts for evaluation research projects; and individual donors who support this work.

Our Work:

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