On March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day, the Wellesley Centers for Women hosted “Advancing Gender Equality Around the World: Four Innovative, Technology-Driven Approaches,” a virtual parallel event of the 2023 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The panel discussion featured four dynamic panelists who shared their innovative approaches to support educational equity and human wellbeing with the power of data.

Panelists included Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., WCW senior research scientist and director of the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab; PeiYao Chen, Ph.D., vice president, impact & effectiveness at Global Fund for Women; Pashtana Durrani, Afghan human rights activist and a visiting fellow at WCW; and Hauwa Ibrahim, J.D., S.J.D., M.L., international human rights attorney and a visiting scholar at WCW. The discussion was moderated by Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., executive director of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

Women changemakers are using technology to advance gender equality around the world. Watch the recording of this program and learn how Afghan Human Rights Activist Pashtana Durrani uses technology to bring education to girls in Afghanistan who are excluded from school. Discover how Human Rights Attorney Hauwa Ibrahim combines women-led, maker-technology and local materials to bring STE(A)M education to thousands of young people in Nigeria. Hear from Senior Research Scientist Linda Charmaraman about the ways social media creates new spaces for the advancement of intersectional gender equality for youth of color and LGBTQ+ youth in the U.S. and globally. And find out how PeiYao Chen of the Global Fund for Women uses new data analysis tools to identify and support emerging social movements for intersectional gender justice, using publicly available data for maximum impact.

March 8, 2023

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