Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., joined by Wellesley College student researchers, offered an overview of recent and emerging findings from the Media & Identity Project -- a series of ongoing online survey studies from 2013 through 2017, which to date have collected data from almost 5,000 individuals living in the U.S. and over 26 countries, ranging from 12 to more than 80 years old.

Each member of the research team provided brief snapshots of works-in-progress or recent papers, including topics about Asian American social media use, gender and sexual minority stereotypes in the media, online civic engagement and the election process, and understanding social contexts of unhealthy adolescent behaviors.

Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D. is a research scientist with WCW and was the principal investigator of the Media & Identity Project. Her work is centered on positive youth development, including innovative electronic methods of identifying hard-to-reach vulnerable populations and how media and social networking communities influence adolescent risk or resiliency. Mentoring students has always been a passion of hers, as shown by her dedication to training, collaborating, presenting, and publishing academic papers with students from multiple institutions.

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