We constantly hear about the negative role that social media plays in the lives of teens, but what about the positives? In the Media & Identity Study, Dr. Linda Charmaraman’s team discovered that young women of color are using social media in a unique way to access information about their identities, form new communities, and build safe spaces to discuss their thoughts, all of which may be lacking in their physical, offline lives.

In this video, Wellesley College student Huiying Bernice Chan, who has been a student research intern of the Study for three years, reviews the social media findings related to young women of color and the implications of those findings.

For more information on the Media & Identity Study, visit www.wcwonline.org/mediaidentitystudy.

© Copyright 2016 Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College. This video cannot be posted elsewhere without the explicit written permission of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

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