In the days leading up to and immediately following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., a research scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW), surveyed over 1,600 people from across the country, aged 18-80+ to better understand how they felt about the election and its results. Dr. Charmaraman and her research team shared some results from the survey during the November 2017 presentation, “Life in the Trump Era: A Look at Gender, Culture, and Civic Engagement.”

Dr. Charmaraman’s research team, which includes Lisette DeSouza, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research fellow at WCW, and Wellesley College students Rebecca Leu ’19, a WCW Class of ‘67 Intern, and Katie Madsen ’19, a former Sophomore Early Research Program Intern and Social Sciences Summer Intern, reveal what their survey captured around gender, culture, and civic engagement. The survey was part of Dr. Charmaraman’s ongoing Media and Identity Study, which aims to understand how different types of media (i.e. social, technological, televised) impact people’s sense of social identities, including racial/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, political attitudes, and civic engagement.

© Copyright 2017 Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College. This video cannot be posted elsewhere without the explicit written permission of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

November 30, 2017

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