During her time as president of Wellesley College, Barbara Newell, Ph.D., an economist and ardent advocate for women's education and economic equity, founded what would later become the Wellesley Centers for Women. Throughout its history, the Centers has been home to hundreds of research and action projects that have informed public policy, influenced practices, and shaped public opinion. Wellesley College President Paula Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., and WCW Executive Director Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., welcomed President Newell back to campus for a special lunchtime seminar in September 2018. During this program, NPR's Linda Wertheimer ’65, and Dr. Maparyan interviewed and discussed with President Newell her motivation for founding the Centers, her reflections on its early work and impact, and her hopes for its future.

© Copyright 2018 Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College. This video cannot be posted elsewhere without the explicit written permission of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

September 27, 2018

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