On August 13, 2020, Georgia Hall, Ph.D., of WCW was part of a virtual panel about virtual summer and afterschool programs. The panel was hosted by three leading national organizations in the out-of-school time quality improvement, coaching, and measurement space, the PEAR Institute, the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, and the Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality. Panelists discussed the following questions:

  • How does quality differ in-person and online using established dimensions?
  • Do all dimensions matter equally, are new ones needed?
  • How should we account for stress in both students and staff?
  • Can the frameworks support planning virtual environments? If so, how?


Gil Noam, Director, The PEAR Institute

Georgia Hall, National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST), Wellesley Centers for Women

Kim Robinson, Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality

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