In this four-part video series, Georgia Hall, Ph.D., senior research scientist at the National Institute of Out-of-School Time (NIOST) at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW), discusses the Afterschool Gets Moving Program, a randomized control trial study of the impacts of a professional development resource for out-of-school time program staff on children's pedometer step counts in a national sample of out-of-school time programs. Afterschool Gets Moving looks for ways to introduce more physical activity into afterschool programs to offset the cuts in physical activity during children's school days and home lives.

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Part 1: In the first part of this video series, Hall examines the health risks associated with less physical activity and the positive effects of physical activity on children.

Part 2: In the second part of this video series, Hall describes what Afterschool Gets Moving is and how it encourages more physical activity in afterschool programs.

Part 3: In the third part of this video series, Hall discusses how Afterschool Gets Moving collects data on their interventions in afterschool programs, and how that data has better informed them on how to introduce more physical activity in afterschool programs.

Part 4: In the fourth part of this video series, Hall discusses the importance of afterschool programs making use of their transition times between activities and the importance of introducing more physical activity in afterschool programs.

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