Wellesley College student Huiying Bernice Chan has been on the Media & Identity Study research team for the past three years. In that time, she saw the project evolve from the initial survey to a book chapter on certain findings, which showed that young women of color are using social media in unique ways to build safe spaces and form their identities. In this video, she discusses how her involvement with the project influenced the way she uses social media in her daily life, and what the project findings mean to her.

The Media & Identity Study – a mixed-method online study lead by Dr. Linda Charmaraman – surveyed over 2,300 young people aged 12-25 in 47 states with 34 follow-up interviews. The project examines the role of televised media, social media, and civic engagement in influencing how young people form their racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual, and political identities. For more information on the Media & Identity Study, visit www.wcwonline.org/mediaidentitystudy.

© Copyright 2016 Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College. This video cannot be posted elsewhere without the explicit written permission of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

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