In this March 2018 lunchtime seminar, focused on women in NCAA basketball, a team of researchers explored the social discrimination, policy, and bureaucratic issues that impede women's recognition and success within the organization.

Georgia Hall, Ph.D., Bridget Belgiovine, M.Ed., Lisette DeSouza, Ph.D., Laura Pappano, and Laura McGeary '19, shared their findings on women's experiences as participants in the NCAA. Using statistics and historical anecdotes, the team discussed the lack of parity of women's and men's recognition and leadership positions in collegiate sports programs.  

WCW Student Research Intern Laura McGeary '19 prefaced the talk with an examination of the history of women's basketball, and the biases projected onto female athletes. Laura Pappano continued by discussing the racial and economic issues that arise due to NCAA popularity and policy. In a look into the administrative side of the NCAA, Belgiovine examined the number of women as head coaches and administrators in collegiate basketball. Drs. DeSouza and Hall closed the seminar by explaining the statistics that would determine an accurate prediction for a March Madness bracket, and Hall concluded the talk with her 2018 prediction. 

Download slides from this presentation.

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March 21, 2018

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