• New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    January 2025

    WCW is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Women’s Foundation of Boston to conduct an in-depth analysis of the state of women and girls across Massachusetts, with a particular emphasis on their economic empowerment.


  • New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    December 2024

    This special 50th anniversary edition of the Research & Action Report looks back at some of our most significant accomplishments of the last 50 years—and looks ahead to how our research scientists and project directors are taking that work into the future.


  • Homepage - Peggy Induction

    Induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    March 2024

    Senior Research Scientist Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame alongside Serena Williams, Ruby Bridges, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and six others.

    Watch Now >>


Wellesley Centers for Women 

is a research and action institute at Wellesley College that is focused on women and gender and driven by social change.
Our mission is to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing through high-quality research, theory, and action programs.


Fern Marx, MHSM

Work published elsewhere

Marx, F. (2002). Grassroots to Graduation: Low-Income Women Accessing Higher Education. Final Report on the Evaluation of the Women in Community Development Program. Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development, Boston, MA.

Konstam, V., Marx, F., Schurer, J, Emerson Lombardo, N. & Harrington, A. (2002). Forgiveness in Practice: What Mental Health Counselors Are Telling Us. In S. Lamb & J. G. Murphy (Eds), Before Forgiving: Cautionary Essays on the Use of Forgiveness in Psychotherapy. Oxford University Press.

Marshall, N.L., Noonan, A.E., McCartney, K., Marx, F., & Keefe, N. (2001). It Takes An Urban Village: Parenting Networks of Urban Families. Journal of Family Issues. 22(2), 163-182.

Erkut, S., Marx, F. & Fields, J.P. (2001). A Delicate Balance: How Teachers Can support Middle School Girls’ Confidence and Competence. In E. M. Penn (Ed.), Educating Young Adolescent Girls. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Mahwah, N.J.

Konstam, V., Marx, F., Schurer, J., Harrington, A., Lombardo, N. E. & Deveney, S. (2000) Forgiving. What Mental Health Counselors Are Telling Us. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 22(3), 253-267.

Erkut, S., Marx, F., Fields, J.P., & Sing, R. (1999) Raising Confident and Competent Girls: One Size Does Not Fit All. In L.A. Peplau, S.C. DeBro, R.C. Veniegas & P.L. Taylor (Eds.), Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity: Current Research About Women and Men (pp. 83-101). Mayfield Publishing Company. Mountain View, CA.

Kagan, S.L., Hamilton-Lee, M., Marx, F. & Rustici, J. (1998) Family, Education and Training Program: Final Report. Center on Families, Communities, Schools, and Children’s Learning, OERI, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.

Marshal, N. L., Garcia Coll, C., Marx, F., McCartney, K., Keefe, N. & Rush, J. (1997) After-School Time and Children’s Behavioral Adjustment. Merrill-Palmer Qarterly, 43(3), 497-514.

Erkut, S., Fields, J. Sing, R., Marx, F. (1996). Diversity in Girls’ Experiences: Feeling Good About Who You Are. In B. Leadbeater & N. Way (Eds.), Urban Adolescent Girls:Resisting sterotypes (pp. 53-64) New York University Press. New York, NY.

Marx, F. & Kagan, S.L. (1994) From Research to Practice: Research Design and Initial Findings. Family Education and Training Project, Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University. New Haven, CT.

Bailey, S., Burbridge, L., Campbell, P., Jackson, B., Marx, F., McIntosh, P. (1993) Girls, Gender,and Schools: Excerpts from the AAUW Report: How Schools Shortchange Girls. American Women in The Nineties: Today's Critical Issues" S. Matteo (Ed.) Northeastern University Press. Boston, MA.

Seppanen, P., Love, J., deVries, D.K., Bernstein, L., Seligson, M., Marx, F. & Kisker, E.E. (1992) National Study of Before and After School Program. Final Report to the Office of Policy and Planning, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.

Schy, Y., Oosterhout, J. & Marx, F. (1992) Expanding School-Age Child Care: A Community Action Guide. League of Women Voters Education Fund. Washington, DC.

Bailey, S., Burbridge, L., Campbell, P., Jackson, B., Marx, F., McIntosh, P. (1992) How Schools Shortchange Girls. A Study of Major Findings on Girls and Education. Commissioned by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. Washington, DC.

Bailey, S., Burbridge, L., Campbell, P., Jackson, B., Marx, F., McIntosh, P. (1992) Girls in Schools: A Bibliography of Research on Girls in U.S. Public Schools. American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. Washington, DC.

Kagan, S.L., Costley, J., Landesman, L., Marx, F., Neville, P., Parker, S., & Rustici, J., (1992) Family Education and Training: Obstacles, Opportunities, and Outcomes for Low-Income Mothers. Center on Families, Communities, Schools & Children's Learning. Yale University. New Haven, CT.

Marshall, N.L. & Marx, F. (1991) The Affordability of Child Care for the Working Poor. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services. 72(4).

Marx, F., Seligson, M., & Tardo, R. (1991) Final Report the Children and Family Data Base and Advocacy Project. Prepared for the Boston Foundation. Boston, MA.

Seligson, M., Fersh, E., Marshall, N.L. & Marx, F. (1990) School-Age Child Care: The Challenge Facing Families. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services. 71(6).

Marx, F (1990) A Report on a Survey of School-Age Child Care Programs Operated by Florida Schools and School Districts. Submitted to Latchkey Services for Children, Inc. for the Florida Department of Education.

Marx, F. & Seligson, M. (1990) Child Care in the United States. In S. E. Rix (Ed.), The American Woman 1990-91: A Status Report. Norton. New York, NY.

Seligson, M., Fersh, E., Marshall, N., & Marx, F. (1990) School-Age Child Care: The Challenge Facing Families. The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 71(6), 324-331.

Marx, F. (1989) Caring for Children: Case Studies of Local Government Child Care Initiatives. Washington, D.C. National League of Cities. Washington, DC.

Seligson, M., Marx, F., & Feldman, A. (1989) When School is Out in New York City: A Study of Available Resources for School-Age Children When School Is Not In Session. Community Service Society. New York, NY.

Marx, F. & Seligson, M. (1989) Final Report of the Subcommittee on Day Care and the Public Schools. Massachusetts, Office for Children. Boston, MA.

Mitchell, A., Seligson, M. & Marx, F. (1989) Early Childhood Programs and the Public Schools: Between Promise and Practice. Auburn House. Boston, MA.

Marx F. & Seligson, M. (1988) The Public School Early Childhood Study: The State Survey. Bank Street College of Education. New York, NY.

Marshall, N., Witte, A., Nichols, L., Marx, F., Mauser, E., Laws, B., Silverstein, B. (1988) Caring for Our Common Wealth: The Economics of Child Care in Massachusetts. Commonwealth of Massachusetts,. Boston, MA.

Marx, F. & Seligson, M. (1988) The Public School early Childhood Study: The State Survey. Bank Street College of Education. New York, NY.

Marx, F. (1987) Current Early Childhood Initiatives in the States. In Early Childhood Services in New York State. Volume II. New York State Council on Children and Families. Albany, NY.

Marx, F. (1986) Child Care and the Public Schools: What are the Issues for the Church. Mini-Consultation for the National Council of Churces of Christ. New York, NY.

Valentine, J., Williams, C., Eisenberg, M., & Marx, F. (1986-87) Teenage Pregnancy and Childbearing in Massachusetts: Where Do We Go From Here? Massachusetts Journal of Community Health.

Marx, F. (1985) Child Care. In H. McAdoo and T.M. Parham (Eds). Services To Young Families; Program Review and Policy Recommendations. American Public Welfare Association, Washington, DC.

Valentine, J & Marx, F. (1983) Educational Attainment Among School-Age Mothers: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Policy. Background Paper Series for the Statewide Task Force on Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Massachusetts. Boston, MA.

Gurin, A., Marcus, L. & Marx, F. (1982) A Study of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. Reports 1-4. Florence Heller School, Brandeis Uniniverstiy. Waltham, MA.

Frances, J., Klairmont, L & Marx, F. (1980) Day Care Cost Analysis Study for the Department of Social Services. Florence Heller School, Brandeis University. Waltham, MA.

Kowal, L. W., Keane, P. & Marx, F. (1978) Abused and Neglected Children in Massachusetts: An Inquiry Into the Delivery of Services to Abuse and Neglected Children. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, House Committee on Human Services and Elderly Affairs. Boston, MA.
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