The Capacity Study describes the current early education and care (EEC) workforce in Massachusetts and evaluates the capacity of the State’s higher education system to meet the increased demand for a qualified workforce in early education and care.
The Massachusetts Capacity Study was funded by The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers University, Strategies for Children, the A.L. Mailman Family Foundation, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and The Boston Foundation. The goals of the Capacity Study were to
- describe the current early education and care (EEC) workforce in Massachusetts and
- evaluate the capacity of the State’s higher education system to meet the increased demand for a qualified workforce in early education and care.
To meet Goal 1: Describe the current EEC workforce, the Capacity Study team. In collaboration with the Study Board of Advisors and with Achieve Boston, reviewed existing data on the qualifications, compensation, and characteristics of the current workforce, including family child care providers, staff in centers serving infants through preschool, Head Start and Early Head Start staff, public school preschool teachers, school-age program staff, and youth workers.
To meet Goal 2: Evaluate the Capacity of the state’s higher education system. The Capacity Study team, in collaboration with the Study Board of Advisors and with Achieve Boston, conducted a survey of certificate and degree programs in Massachusetts’ institutions of higher education that currently prepare the EEC workforce.
The Study produced 3 Research Briefs:
- Characteristics of the Current Early Education and Care Workforce Serving 3-5 year olds
- Workforce Characteristics of Infant and Toddler Caregivers in Centers, Family Child Care Homes and Early Head Start Programs
- Preparing the Early Education and Care Workforce: The Capacity of Massachusetts' Institutions of Higher Education (serving children from birth through school-age, and youth workers) with Institutions of Higher Education Program Directory
The Study also produced 2 reports:
- Infant and Toddler State-Level Caregiver Training and Workforce Initiatives
- Implementation of the Massachusetts Capacity Study, with guidelines for conducting similar capacity studies in other states