In August 2020, WCW visiting scholar Karen Craddock, Ph.D., joined a panel of experts to discuss the ways in which racism denies emotional complexity experienced by BIPOC. The webinar, which was hosted by Six Seconds, included panelists who discussed social norms and the ways in which emotional constraints placed on BIPOC can lead to an experience of dehumanization. The panelists also discussed the idea of communication and the importance of open communication and dialogue on this topic. 

Panelists during this program included:

  • Karen Craddock, Ph.D., WCW visiting scholar, Applied Psychologist and cofounder of The Wellness Collaborative, Inc.
  • Charity Goodwin, Pastor, Empowerment and Leadership coach, and Author of GET UP: Unearthing your Passion and Taking Brave Action in 50 Days.
  • Joshua Freedman, cofounder and CEO, The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network.

August 25, 2020

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