Early Child Care and Education:
Linking Research, Practice, and Policy
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Seattle University
Early care and education of young children is one of the most constant needs facing American families and communities. Our panel of leading professionals in the field will share their diverse perspectives on pressing questions related to the access, quality, and public policy of education and care for our young children.
What do researchers recommend we do to improve early care and education programs? How can we promote the professional development and resource needs of our educators? What programs serve as best-practice models in Washington State and across the country? How can policymakers collaborate with and support community-based organizations, educators, parents, and researchers in advancing quality early education for all?
Panel Featuring:
Nina Auerbach, President and CEO, Thrive by Five Washington
Leslie Goldstein, Executive Policy Advisor, Governor's Executive Policy Office
Nancy Marshall, Ed.D., Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist, WCW
Moderated by:
Susan McGee Bailey, Ph.D., Executive Director, WCW
This program is free and open to the public. Reservations are required.
This program is full.
Phone: (781) 283-2831
Email: events@wcwonline.org
Host Committee:
Emily Anthony, Deborah Cushing, Betsy Anderson Fitzgerald, Natalie Kaplan Gendler, Carol Jung, Jeannette Kahlenberg, Liana Montague, Christine O'Connor, Marcia Sill, Roz Solomon, Lydia Stratton and Linda Youngs.
About WCW
The Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) at Wellesley College is the largest women’s research organization in the United States. Its mission is to conduct scholarly research and sound action programs that place women’s perspectives and experiences at the center of the work. WCW’s work reaches a wide audience of policy makers, practitioners, and advocates.
WCW’s broad reach ensures that its work influences public policy and programs. With 100 staff members, and more than 40 project underway, WCW’s areas of research and action cover an array of topics central to our communities: education, child and adolescent development, child care, out-of-school time, work-life balance, women’s human rights, gender violence prevention, and the social-emotional wellbeing of children and families.