Conversation with Peggy and Friends & Celebratory Dinner
Over 250 SEED leaders, scholars, activists, and others gathered in Wellesley, Massachusetts, October 10-11, 2015, in celebration of SEED Founder Peggy McIntosh's lifetime of work on social change. Special guests Victor Lewis and Hugh Vasquez, from the documentary The Color of Fear, were among those who gave remarks attesting to Peggy's influence on themselves personally as well as to scholarly thinking and constructive action on systems of privilege, equitable education, and much more. We appreciate every one of you who joined us physically or in spirit.

Honor Peggy with a Gift Today!
Make a gift to The Peggy McIntosh Fund for Educational Equity and Social Justice and support Peggy's legacy of pairing theoretical insights with rigorous research and action as the key building blocks for creating social change for women and girls, families and communities—and for shaping a better world for all of us.
Call and make your gift over the phone: 781.283.2500
Send a check:
Make payable to Wellesley Centers for Women (please include "Peggy McIntosh Fund" in the memo) and mail to:
Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College-CHE
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA