Justice Publications
Morabito, M. S., Pattavina, A., & Williams, L. M. (2016). Active representation and police response to sexual assault complaints. Journal of Crime and Justice, 1-14.
doi: 10.1080/0735648X.2016.1216730
Morabito, M.S., Pattavina, A., & Williams, L.M. (2016) Morabito, M. S., Pattavina, A., & Williams, L. M. (2016). It all just piles up: Challenges to victim credibility accumulate to influence sexual assault case processing. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
doi: 10.1177/0886260516669164
Pattavina, A., Morabito, M., & Williams, L. M. (2016). Examining connections between the police and prosecution in sexual assault case processing: Does the use of exceptional clearance facilitate a downstream orientation? Victims & Offenders, 11(2), 315-334.
doi: 10.1080/15564886.2015.1046622
Williams, L.M. (2015) Police and domestic sex trafficking of youth: What teens tell us that can aid prevention and interdiction. Journal of Crime and Justice, 38, (3) 297-314.
doi: 10.1080/0735648X.2015.1034970
Williams, L.M. (2009). Provide justice for prostituted teens: Stop arresting and prosecuting girls. In Natasha A. Frost, Joshua D. Freilich, and Todd R. Clear (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference. (pp. 297-306). Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.