Nancy L. Mullin, M.Ed.
Research Scientist
Nancy Mullin served as the director of both the Project on Teasing and Bullying (2000-2008) and the Preschool Empathy Project (1998-2008). Since she joined the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) in 1990, she was actively involved in projects concerned with curriculum development, teacher training, consultation and research.
Prior to joining WCW, Ms. Mullin coordinated Child Care Information and Referral services at the Child Care Resource Center in Cambridge, MA and has worked in various educational and hospital-based elementary and early childhood special education settings as teacher, trainer, consultant, advocate, and member of infant and child assessment teams.
While at WCW, Ms. Mullin conducted research-based training and consultation about bullying prevention nationally. Her work focused on bringing research and best practices about bullying prevention into schools and promotes awareness about the negative effects that bullying and related gender role stereotypes have on both school climate and student performance. Her bullying-prevention work includes several publications: Quit It!: A Teacher's Guide on Teasing and Bullying for Use With Students in Grades K-3 (1998); Selected Bibliography About Teasing and Bullying for Grades K-8: Revised and Expanded Edition (2003) and Relational Aggression and Bullying: It’s More Than Just A Girl Thing (2003).
Ms. Mullin is also a Training Director for the Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, providing national training-of-trainers in North America, training and support for state-wide networks, and training and implementation support to schools in New England. As a founding member of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Group in North America, she is also actively involved in expanding and developing materials that help to operationalize the Olweus model for US and North American Schools.
As Director of the Preschool Empathy Project, Ms. Mullin provided training, consultation, and curriculum development for early childhood caregivers. She co-authored a pilot program to teach empathy in center and home-based preschool settings and developed a revised curriculum-guide based on this work. Her work on this project both informed and integrated her efforts in the field of bullying prevention.
Ms. Mullin received a B.S. in Elementary and Special Education from Slippery Rock University and received a full fellowship from the University of Pittsburgh, where she received a M.Ed. in Special Education and Rehabilitation, specializing in Early Childhood Education.