Alice Frye, MPH, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Alice Frye has an MPH from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Emory University. She is a developmental psychopathologist by training and her overarching goal is to combine in her research endeavors the population level orientation typical of public health with the robust theoretical approach that characterizes developmental psychopathology. She has a long standing interest in the study and remediation of psychopathology among adolescents and emerging adults at risk, and focuses particularly on growth and change in psychopathology and resilience among emerging adults. With respect to specific projects, Dr. Frye worked with Dr. Sumru Erkut in the evaluation of Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts' sexuality education program for middle school students: Get Real. She worked with Dr. Lorraine Cordeiro on a qualitative needs assessment of Cambodian youth and emerging adults in Lowell, Massachusetts, and also to study the unique roles that Cambodian women play in navigating the immigration transition for themselves and their families in Lowell. She also worked with Dr. Nancy Marshall on secondary data analyses of national data on early childhood care influences and outcomes. Dr. Frye speaks Indonesian and studied Mandarin Chinese.
Dr. Frye was a methodologist at the centers and worked with Dr. Allison Tracy on funded projects and provided ad hoc support for study design and statistical analysis to other researchers at the centers. She focused chiefly on quantitative methods, including structural equation approaches, latent growth modeling, mixture modeling, multilevel modeling, and other types of advanced analyses.