Past Press Releases

Women's Review ofBooks Appoints Amy Hoffman as Editor in Chief

July 23, 2003

Wellesley, MA – Susan McGee Bailey,Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Research on Women,recently announced the appointment of AmyHoffman as Editorin Chief of the Women’s Review of Books,a project of the Center. Hoffman, who has a BA from Brandeis University in Englishand an MFA in creative writingfrom the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, is only the second editor ofthe Women’s Review in 20 years. Hoffman has previously been an editor atthe Unitarian Universalist World magazine, South End Press, and Gay CommunityNews. She has taught writing and literature at the University of Massachusettsand Emerson College. Her memoir, Hospital Time, about taking care of friendswith AIDS, was published by the Duke University Press in 1997.

Bailey said, “We are delighted to welcome Amy to the Women’sReview and the Center. Amy will continue the great tradition ofthe Women’s Review while adding her own special viewpoint.We look forward to another 20 years of lively commentary on women'swriting."

The monthly Women’s Review of Books was founded in 1983by outgoing Editor in Chief Linda Gardiner. As the only US publicationfocusing on books by and about women, the Women’s Reviewholds a unique place in the publishing world.

Hoffman says the mission of the Women’s Review—to give women’s writing the serious critical attention it doesnot receive elsewhere—will remain unchanged. She plans tocultivate a well-informed, diverse group of writers. “Aswe say in our masthead each month, ‘We seek to representthe widest possible range of feminist perspectives both in thebooks reviewed and in the content of the reviews,’ ” saidHoffman.

For more information on the Women's Review of Books, visit the Women’s Reviewat

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