Past Press Releases

Headshot photos of the student interns who will work at WCW in 2019-20. From left to right, Row 1: Nora Pearce, Jessica Abowitz, Ninotska Love. Row 2: Dhanya Nageswaran, Sandra RianoPictured from left to right. Row 1: Nora Pearce '22, Jessica Abowitz '22, Ninotska Love '20. Row 2: Dhanya Nageswaran '21, Sandra Riano '21.

Five Wellesley College students entered the Class of 1967 Internship Program at the Wellesley Centers for Women at the start of the academic year. Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, each student will gain hands-on social science research experience and mentorship from a WCW research scientist. The named internships, which were established by generous gifts from Wellesley College alumnae and friends of WCW, are awarded each year to Wellesley College students who seek to make a difference in the world through research and action.

Jessica AbowitzJessica Abowitz ’22
Shirley R. Sherr Student Internship

Jessica will study sexual harassment and gender violence in K-12 schools with Nan Stein, Ed.D., an expert in gender violence prevention in schools, as her mentor.

"I think it is important to focus on the social development of kids from grades K-12 because school as a socializing institution also serves as a breeding ground for gendered violence and I could not be more excited to get the opportunity to study how schools and officials have responded to the distinct form of sexual harassment in these crucial environments."

Ninotska LoveNinotska Love ’20
The Class of 1967 Internship

Ninotska will work alongside mentor Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D., of the Work, Families, & Children Research Group, to study the ways non-binary children are impacted by stereotypes.

“I wanted to work with Dr. Robeson because of her fields of study on child development, early childhood care and education, which matches with my field of interest. The topic that I will be studying is the theory of stereotype threat on non-binary children and trans identities in order to better the lives of these marginalized identities. By normalizing non-binary children’s and trans women’s identities, through educating children in schools at a young age about the fluidity of gender, we can improve society as a whole.”

Dhanya NageswaranDhanya Nageswaran ’21
The Linda Coyne Lloyd Student Research Internship

Dhanya will study the changing responses to sexual assault of the justice system and other communities under the mentorship of Linda Williams, Ph.D., director of the Justice and Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative.

“I wanted to work with Dr. Williams because I am looking to gain a deeper, more nuanced understanding of community responses to sexual assault and gender-based violence, particularly in college campuses, as it directly impacts my life and the lives of those around me on a day to day basis.”

Nora PearceNora Pearce ’22
The Morse Fellowship

Nora will study how teens and their families talk about sex and relationships with an expert in this field, Jennifer Grossman, Ph.D., as her mentor.

"I am interested in working with Dr. Grossman because of how her research project tackles a topic that is relevant to all families regardless of their background; I look forward to learning more about adolescent development and exploring the role of families in bending or reinforcing gender stereotypes."

Sandra RianoSandra Riano ’21
The Anne Murray Ladd Student Internship

Sandra will explore the career paths of college-educated women under the mentorship of Nancy Marshall, Ed.D., director of the Work, Families, & Children Research Group.

“I was drawn to Dr. Marshall's research interests on what factors influence college-educated women to choose different careers paths after graduation because of the opportunity to develop gender focused work surrounding first generation women of color. As a first gen. latina at Wellesley, I find this work personally significant and rewarding!”

September 20, 2019

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