Past Press Releases

Wellesley Centers for Women To Be Honored at NCRW’s “Women Who Make a Difference” Gala in New York City

January 23, 2004

Wellesley, MA – The National Council for Research on Women (NCRW) has announced that the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) has been chosen as an organizational honoree at its annual Women Who Make a Difference gala dinner. The award, which will be accepted by WCW’s Executive Director Susan McGee Bailey, is designed to recognize both outstanding women leaders and organizations working in a variety of disciplines for their unique ability to project their visions for a better world onto local, national, and global landscapes.

WCW is being honored on March 11, 2004, for its outstanding work linking research, theory, and policy and the profound impact this work has had on policy both nationally and internationally. Other honorees include:

  • Mamphela Ramphele, managing director of the World Bank
  • Ingrid Saunders Jones, senior vice president of corporate external affairs, The Coca-Cola Company, and chairperson, The Coca-Cola Foundation
  • Dina Dublon, executive vice president and chief financial officer of J.P. Morgan Chase
  • Center for the Study of Women and Society, University of Oregon
  • International Center for Research on Women

Maria Hinojosa, CNN urban affairs correspondent, will host the gala event at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York City.

NCRW is grateful to sponsors Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Prudential Financial, American Express Foundation, Avon, Chubb Insurance, Honeywell, Lehman Brothers, and Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP.

WCW is the world’s largest women’s research organization and is a resource for expert opinion, analysis, and recommended action on an array of issues, including:

  • National and international gender violence
  • Women and leadership
  • Women’s psychological growth and development
  • Gender equitable education
  • Out-of-school time
  • Child and adolescent psychological self-identity and development

2004 marks 30 years of groundbreaking work at WCW, work that has generated changes in policies, practices, and attitudes by presenting innovative ways of looking at critical issues.

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