Past Press Releases

September 5, 2005

The Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) announces the release of two, new, scholarly publications.

"Social-Emotional Climate and the Success of New Teachers: A New Look at the Ongoing Challenge of New Teacher Retention," is a comprehensive literature review that examines classroom climate, school climate, and teacher preparation and induction programs. The report reviews relevant research on how these influences affect new teachers. This report was prepared for the Open Circle Program at WCW by Jacob Murray, Research Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with a grant from the DuBarry Foundation.

"Living Outside the Box: Relational Challenges of Lesbians in Love with Men," is the newest working paper to hit the WCW press. Authored by Ellen Schechter, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stone Center Counseling Services, this paper examines some of the relational challenges of lesbians who entered into committed intimate relationships with men. It applies Relational-Cultural Theory to an understudied and little-understood group whose sexual fluidity forces them to negotiate both dominant and minority sexual cultural in unique ways.

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