Past Press Releases

November 3, 2008

From coffee shops and dinner tables to Saturday Night Live, the media's treatment of women has been scrutinized and dissected throughout the election cycle. From Senator Hillary Clinton's run for the Democratic nomination to John McCain's selection of Governor Sarah Palin as his VP candidate, women have been in the news.

The Wellesley Centers for Women is pleased to present Post-Election: What's Next for Women and the Media, a dynamic panel discussion featuring Michelle Bernard, Independent Women's Forum and MSNBC; Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, CNBC Television; Diane Sawyer, ABC News; and Lynn Sherr, ABC News, on Thursday, November 20 at the University Club in New York City. Ellen Levine, editorial director of Hearst Magazines, will offer remarks.

The panel will consider the ways women have been portrayed in and treated by the media, especially during the recent campaign season. What has changed for women as a result of the coverage of women's political participation, and what has stayed the same? Can media be a positive tool for women in politics? How can we inspire measured coverage of women in politics in general?

For more information, visit

Since 1974, the Wellesley Centers for Women has been a driving force—both behind the scenes and in the spotlight—promoting positive change for women, children, and families. Work at WCW addresses three major areas: the status of women and girls and the advancement of their human rights both in the United States and around the globe; the education, care, and development of children and youth; and the emotional well-being of families and individuals. Issues of diversity and equity are central across all the work as are the experiences and perspectives of women from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.

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