Past Press Releases

November 1, 2005

Researchers from the Wellesley Centers will present outcomes of their exploratory study on same-sex marriage on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tishman Conference Room, Wang Campus Center at Wellesley College. Jennifer Levi, co-counsel in the Goodridge vs. Department of Public Health case and a Wellesley College alumna, will serve as a special guest panelist.
In May 2004, a group formed at Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) to study the impact of legalization of same-sex marriage on couples and families. The group has thus far conducted interviews of 50 couples and their children and presented their findings at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention this past August in Washington, DC. Members of the research group will speak about how same-sex couples in Massachusetts have made meaning of legalization in terms of spirituality, relationships with their families and partners, and their niche within their communities. Abstracts of four discrete presentations made at the APA meeting and which will be touched upon during the November 14th panel presentation, are available at These titles are:

"Tying the Knot": The Context of Social Change in Massachusetts;

"Doing Marriage": Same-Sex Relationship Dynamics in the Post-Legalization Period;

"Goin’ to the Chapel?": Same-Sex Couples’ Religious/Spiritual Perspectives on Legalized Marriage; and

" These Are My Parents": The Experiences of Children in Same-Sex-Parented Families during the First Year of Marriage Legalization in Massachusetts.

A compilation of the full text of the abstracted articles and more detailed study results reported in two Working Papers will soon be available for purchase through the WCW Publications Office (781-283-2510).

For more than 30 years, the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) has been a driving force, both behind the scenes and in the spotlight, promoting positive change for women, children, and families. The world's largest women's research center, WCW is the powerful alliance of the Center for Research on Women and the Stone Center at Wellesley College, uniting an interdisciplinary community of scholars engaged in research, training, analysis, and action.

Parking is available in the main parking garage located steps away from the Wang Campus Center, just off Route 135 in Wellesley (106 Central Street).

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