Past Press Releases

Anita Hill, Panel Address Equity in Education

March 11, 2008

Janet Wu, Massachusetts State House Reporter for WCVB-TV, will moderate the third and final program in the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) Greater Boston Event Series, Equity in Education, featuring Anita Hill, J.D., Susan McGee Bailey, Ph.D., and Nan Stein, Ed.D. on March 20, 2008. The panelists will bring different perspectives and areas of expertise to the discussion on disparities in education, with active participation from attendees.

Bailey is executive director of WCW and Professor of Women's Studies and Education, Wellesley College. Hill is professor of Social Policy, Law, Women's Studies, Brandeis University; a senior scholar at WCW, and a Newhouse Visiting Scholar at Wellesley College. Stein is a senior research scientist at WCW.

Equity in Education will be held March 20, 2008, from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. at WCVB-TV, Needham, MA, host and co-sponsor of the program. Reservations are required. For more information, visit

The Greater Boston Event Series brings Wellesley Centers for Women scholars together with other change-makers to listen, learn, and discuss questions that are important to our community.

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