Past Press Releases

Governor Appoints Nan Stein to Sexual and Domestic Violence Commission

December 17, 2003

Wellesley, MA – Nan Stein, Ed.D, senior research scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women, has been appointed by Massachusetts Governor Romney to the Governor’s Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence. Dr. Stein’s appointment to the commission, which is chaired by Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey, will run through December 31, 2006.

Dr. Stein is a nationally recognized expert in the development of prevention programs for sexual harassment, gender violence, and bullying in K-12 schools and currently directs several national research projects. She has authored three teaching guides and her book, Classrooms and Courtrooms: Facing Sexual Harassment in K-12 Schools, was published in 1999.

Dr. Stein frequently gives lectures and keynote addresses, provides training to school personnel, and has served as an expert witness in lawsuits concerning school-based sexual harassment and child sexual abuse.

The Wellesley Centers for Women is the world’s largest women’s research organization and is a resource for expert opinion, analysis, and recommended action on a wide array of issues, including:

  • National and international gender violence
  • Women and leadership
  • Gender equity
  • Out-of-school time
  • Child and adolescent development and self-identity

2004 will mark 30 years of groundbreaking work at the Centers, work that has generated changes in policies, practices, and attitudes by presenting innovative ways of looking at critical issues.

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