Rangita de Silva-de Alwis, S.J.D.: Women Leading Change in the Muslim World
November 18, 2010 (32:42 min.)

Rangita de Silva-de Alwis, S.J.D., Director of International Human Rights Policy Programs at the Wellesley Centers for Women, leads a unique project that brings together women leaders from countries governed by Muslim Law. The Women's Leadership Network: Women's Political, Public, & Economic Participation in the Muslim World project was founded last year with the belief that transnational information sharing networks can help strengthen partnerships between and across disciplines, regions, communities, and national boundaries. This collaboration would then reinforce a more dynamic understanding of women’s leadership in the world. The women leaders in this Network are at the forefront of reform across the Muslim world and are mining the egalitarian core of Islamic jurisprudence. In this presentation, Dr. de Silva-de Alwis will talk more about the work of this network, including a recently published collection of essays written by Network steering committee members. These papers both join and respond to the call for Islamic feminism as part of a modernist movement bent on contextualizing Islam.

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    • Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) scholars offer seminar and panel presentations during which they share their work with other scholars and the general public. The WCW Lunchtime Seminar Series, for example, offers residents and visitors to the Greater Boston area the opportunity to hear, in person, about work by WCW researchers and program staff. Other special events bring these researchers and program staff into communities for special presentations to the Centers' many constituents.

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    • Please note that data and background information cited in these presentations were current for the date of the presentation but should not necessarily be considered the most current research on the related issues today.

  • The Wellesley Centers for Women Lunchtime Seminar Series is made possible by support from The Cowles/Sulzberger Fund, an endowed gift to the Wellesley Centers for Women.

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