Erin JohnsonNovember 3, 2016

Physicians face complex and often subjective treatment decisions, and they are expected to make decisions in their patients’ best interest.

Erin Johnson, Ph.D.

Lunchtime Seminar, November 3, 2016 (48:55 min)

Erin JohnsonPhysicians face complex and often subjective treatment decisions, and they are expected to make decisions in their patients’ best interest. However, physicians are human and susceptible to biases. Erin Johnson, Ph.D. uses large administrative datasets to explore the factors that affect physician decision-making. In this presentation, she discussed findings from research on how physicians are affected by financial incentives, convenience concerns, and relationships with patients. The projects discussed cover decision-making in cardiac care and in childbirth, with a focus not only on treatments but also patient outcomes.

Erin Johnson, Ph.D. is a research scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) and a visiting lecturer in the economics department at Wellesley College. She is an applied microeconomist with a research focus on the economics of health care. Prior to joining WCW earlier this year, Johnson was an assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

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WCW Lunchtime Seminar Series

    • Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) scholars offer seminar and panel presentations during which they share their work with other scholars and the general public. The WCW Lunchtime Seminar Series, for example, offers residents and visitors to the Greater Boston area the opportunity to hear, in person, about work by WCW researchers and program staff. Other special events bring these researchers and program staff into communities for special presentations to the Centers' many constituents.

    • Recordings of some past lunchtime seminars and other special events may be heard by clicking on the links below. You may need to adjust the volume when playing an audio file on your computer.

    • Please note that data and background information cited in these presentations were current for the date of the presentation but should not necessarily be considered the most current research on the related issues today.

  • The Wellesley Centers for Women Lunchtime Seminar Series is made possible by support from The Cowles/Sulzberger Fund, an endowed gift to the Wellesley Centers for Women.

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