Patricia McGuiness-Carmichael
Research Associate
- MSW, University of South Carolina
Patricia McGuiness-Carmichael, MSW, is a Research Associate at NIOST. Patricia has an extensive background in youth development and family engagement practice, research, and evaluation.
She has worked in school and community based out-of-school time (OST) programs, creating and facilitating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula, and coaching OST programs to integrate SEL into their everyday practices.
Patricia participated as a National After School Matters Fellow contributing to research in the OST field. She has a background in evaluation of education initiatives, such as Reading First in South Carolina, treatment programs with Children’s Hospital Boston, and OST programs in and around Boston. She has worked in the nonprofit sector in Boston, fostering the social-emotional capacities of young women and men and also strengthening the quality of youth programming by helping organizations access and utilize data for ongoing program improvement. As a Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), Patricia began her career in the mental health and juvenile justice field before focusing on roles in prevention. She holds a Masters in Social Work from the University of South Carolina and a Bachelor of Arts from Stonehill College with a focus on Criminal Justice and Psychology.
Patricia works on a variety of projects with NIOST providing programs with support for continuous program improvement, program quality coaching, investigating the national landscape of work in the OST field, and more.