Responding to Sexual Assault on Campus
A National Assessment and Systematic Classification of the Scope and Challenges for Investigation and Adjudication
Team Bios
Alison C. Cares, Ph.D., serves as a Co-Investigator on Responding to sexual assault on campus and visiting scholar at WCW. She brings to this project expertise on prevention and investigation of sexual violence on college campuses and has experience implementing the provisions of Title IX including serving on her institution’s Title IX implementation subcommittee and sexual misconduct judicial board, as well as serving as a member of a state higher education working committee on sexual assault and domestic violence. Dr. Cares plays a key role in all phases of the project and is currently interviewing key stakeholders at colleges and universities.
Mary Frederick is project manager/research administrator for this project and serves as operations manager of the JGBVR initiative. She manages all project administrative tasks, budgets and subcontracts; website development; and student supervision. Ms. Frederick assists with all aspects of data collection and report writing. She is currently coordinating and assisting with interviews with key stakeholders and data collection.
April Pattavina, Ph.D., is Co-Principal Investigator on Responding to sexual assault on campus and a senior scholar at WCW. With more than 20-years of experience conducting research on policing and on violence against women and expertise in the theoretical, policy and social implications of justice system responses to victims of sexual assault she plays a key role in all phases of the project. She is leading the quantitative data analyses, participating in interviewing key stakeholders, and collaborating in the preparation of accessible resources for college campuses, reports and scholarly papers for dissemination including presentation at professional meetings.
Nan Stein, Ed.D., serves as Co-Investigator on the project and as senior research scientist at WCW. She is a nationally known expert on sexual harassment and gender violence in education, and her expertise has been recognized in both legal circles and in the research arena. Dr. Stein is co-author of Shifting Boundaries an evidence-based situational prevention strategy, originally developed to reduce sexual and dating violence in middle schools, and has been involved in its adaptation to address campus sexual assault prevention at colleges and universities. Dr. Stein plays a key role in all phases of the project and is currently creating a compendium of policies and procedures based on federal requirements and is involved in interviewing key stakeholders at colleges and universities.
Linda M. Williams, Ph.D., is Principal Investigator on this project and director of the Justice and Gender Based Violence Research Initiative at WCW. She has conducted longitudinal and mixed-methods research on sexual violence, sex offenders, and the consequences of abuse for four decades. More recently she has worked on prevention of campus sexual assault. Dr. Williams provides leadership for the project and is responsible for all aspects of its management and cooperation with NIJ. She leads the qualitative data analyses and the interviews of key stakeholders, and collaborates on the preparation of accessible resources for college campuses and dissemination of findings designed to improve the investigation and adjudication of campus sexual assault.